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privacy policy


Pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter "Regulation"), this page describes the methods of processing the personal data of users who consult the website of sum Domenico Moschetta, accessible electronically to the following address:

We inform the user that following consultation of this site, data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed.

This information does not concern other sites, pages or online services that can be reached via hypertext links that may be published on the site.


Identity of the owner

The data controller is sum Domenico Moschetta, with registered office in Corso Cavour 64 - 76123 Andria (Italy) (Email:, PEC:


Source of data and type of data collected

1) Data communicated by the user

sum Domenico Moschetta, collects personal data provided voluntarily by users:

  1. a) when registering on the website or when the aforementioned perform a transaction via the website, in addition to other personal data associated with order processing. In this case, the personal data requested are: name and surname, gender, telephone number, mobile number, email address, password, address and city of the person concerned, postcode, country;

  2. b) relating to the use of the website by the user, for example: IP address, the products displayed and those in the cart; if the user reaches the website through a referral page or a link in a promotional e-mail or advertisement on another website that redirects to the Sum Domenico Moschetta srl website, the company may also collect information on the referral page and on the promotional email or targeted advertising together with the user's IP address to analyze the effectiveness of marketing operations (collectively "usage data");

  3. c) at the time of registration through the "Work with us" section of which the requested data may include: work area, personal data (name, surname, city, address), contact details (email address and telephone number ) and curriculum vitae of the interested party;

  4. d) at the time of the optional, explicit and voluntary sending of messages to the contact addresses on the sitewww.sumdomenicomoschetta.comon the “Contacts” page, involve the acquisition of the sender's contact data. This information is necessary to provide feedback to the contact request. Personal data included in communications will also be processed. The data provided will be used with IT and telematic tools for the sole purpose of providing the requested service and for this reason, will be kept exclusively for the period in which it will be active;

  5. e) when registering for the newsletter service offered on the website. In this case, the personal data requested are: the email address, gender, country and city of the person concerned. The data provided will be used with IT and telematic tools for the sole purpose of providing the requested service and for this reason, will be kept exclusively for the period in which it is active.


2) Navigation data

sum Domenico Moschetta, also collects data relating to the use of the website by the user, this information is acquired by the computer systems and software procedures used to operate the online portal, during their normal operation, moreover, the transmission of themselves is connected and inherent to the use of Internet communication protocols.

This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers and terminals used by users, the URI / URL (Uniform Resource Identifier / Locator) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and IT environment.

These data, necessary for the use of web services, are also processed for the purpose of:

• obtain statistical information on the use of services (most visited pages, number of visitors by time or day, geographical areas of origin, etc.);

• check the correct functioning of the services offered.

The navigation data do not persist for more than seven days and are deleted immediately after their aggregation (except for any need to ascertain crimes by the judicial authorities).


3) Cookies and other tracking systems

In order to make its services as efficient and easy to use as possible, this site uses cookies. Therefore, when you visit the Site, a minimum amount of information is entered into the User's device, such as small text files called "cookies", which are saved in the User's web browser directory. There are different types of cookies, but basically the main purpose of a cookie is to make the Site work more effectively and to enable certain features.

Cookies are used to improve the User's overall navigation.

For more information on the cookies used by this website, you can view the cookie policy at the following link.


Purpose of the processing

Depending on the type of treatment to be implemented, the Data Controller uses:

1) data on transactions to process and fulfill orders, manage payments, communicate with the user about the order, manage any returns, provide customer assistance and allow the collection of products. They will also be used to acquire pre-contractual data and information; exchange information aimed at the execution of the contractual relationship, including pre and post contractual activities; formulate requests or process requests received; manage accounting and tax obligations.

2) for sending newsletters of an informative or commercial promotion (eg invitations to events, communications relating to the offer of new services, promotional offers). This processing can take place automatically by e-mail and can be carried out if the interested party has not revoked his consent for the use of the data;

3) to provide feedback to any communications, requests for information and / or services from users through the appropriate forms or using the address (s) in the contact section;

4) finally, the data will be used to manage and control risks, prevent possible fraud, insolvency or default; prevent and manage possible disputes, take legal action in case of need.


Legal basis of the processing

With reference to the purposes indicated in the previous paragraph, the legal basis of the same is, in relation to the point:

1) the need to execute a contract of which the interested party is a party or pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same;

2) The consent expressed by the interested party;

3) the fulfillment of the services pertaining to the request for contact and / or reporting of interventions and compliance with legal obligations;

4) the need to pursue the legitimate interest of the data controller (in particular with regard to the prevention of fraud and insolvency).


Data recipients

The personal data processed by the Data Controller are not disclosed, that is, they are not disclosed to indeterminate subjects, in any possible form, including that of making them available or simple consultation. Instead, they can be communicated to workers who work for the Data Controller, or to persons authorized to process the processing as they operate under the authority of the data controller. In this regard, sum Domenico Moschetta, has engaged third party service providers in connection with the operation of the website, such as hosting service providers, marketing and website service providers, IT maintenance service providers, shipping services and VAT verification services, as well as service providers that allow the integration into the website of other functions that the user can use at his discretion. These service providers, designated as Data Processors, are provided only the personal data necessary to provide the corresponding services and they are not allowed to use or disclose the personal data of the interested parties for other purposes, without the prior authorization of the interested party. .

The data may also be communicated, as strictly necessary, to subjects who, for the purpose of fulfilling orders or other requests or services relating to the transaction or contractual relationship with the Data Controller, must supply goods and / or perform on assignment of the Data Controller of services or services.

Finally, the data may be communicated to the subjects entitled to access it by virtue of the provisions of the law, regulations, community regulations.

In particular, on the basis of the roles and work duties performed, some workers have been entitled to process personal data, taking into account their respective skills and in accordance with the instructions given to them by the Data Controller.


Transfer of data

In no case does the Data Controller transfer personal data to third countries or to international organizations.

However, it reserves the right to use cloud services; in which case, the service providers will be selected from among those who provide adequate guarantees, as required by art. 46 GDPR 679/16.


Data retention

Unless explicitly requested to remove them, the personal data of the interested party will be kept as long as they are necessary with respect to the legitimate purposes for which they were collected.

In particular, they will be kept for the entire duration necessary to process the request for contact and / or intervention reporting and in any case no later than a maximum period of 24 months of user inactivity.

In the case of data provided for sending newsletters, the treatment will be put in place until the consent is revoked, in the absence of revocation the treatment will in any case be suspended after 24 months of user inactivity. Regardless of the determination of the interested party to remove them, personal data will in any case be stored according to the terms established by current legislation and / or national regulations, for the exclusive purpose of guaranteeing the legal obligations to which the Data Controller is subject.

The cases in which the rights deriving from the contact and / or the reporting of interventions are to be asserted are reserved, in which case the personal data of the interested party, exclusively those necessary for these purposes, will be processed for the time indispensable to their pursuit.

It should also be added that, in the event that a user provides the Data Controller with unsolicited or unnecessary personal data for the purpose of carrying out the requested service or the provision of a service strictly connected to it, sum Domenico Moschetta cannot be considered the holder of these data and will delete them as soon as possible.


Rights of the interested party

In relation to the data subject to the processing referred to in this information, the interested party is recognized at any time the right to:

  • ask the Data Controller to access your personal data and information relating to them (Article 15 of the GDPR); the correction of inaccurate data or the integration of incomplete ones (Article 16 of the GDPR); the deletion of personal data concerning you (upon occurrence

  • of one of the conditions indicated in art. 17, par. 1 of the GDPR and in compliance with the exceptions provided for in paragraph 3 of the same article); the limitation of the processing of your personal data (in the event of one of the hypotheses indicated in art.18, par.1 of the GDPR);

  • request and obtain from the Data Controller - in the hypothesis in which the legal basis of the processing is the contract or consent, and the same is carried out by automated means - your personal data in a structured and readable format by automatic device, also for the purpose of communicating such data to another data controller (so-called right to the portability of personal data - Article 20 of the GDPR);

  • object at any time to the processing of your personal data in the occurrence of particular situations that concern you (Article 21 of the GDPR);

  •  revoke consent at any time, limited to cases in which the processing is based on your consent for one or more specific purposes. The treatment based on consent and carried out prior to the revocation of the same retains, however, its lawfulness (Article 7, paragraph 3, of the GDPR).

The appropriate application is presented by contacting the owner via pec at the, e-mail to the address:, or registered letter with return receipt to the address in Corso Cavour 64 - 76123 Andria (Italy).

If the interested party believes that the processing of your data is in violation of the provisions of the Regulation, he can lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Authority for the protection of personal data -, as required by 'art. 77 of the GDPR, or to take appropriate judicial offices (Article 79 of the GDPR).


Refusal to provide data

Interested parties cannot refuse to provide the Data Controller with the personal data necessary to comply with the laws governing commercial transactions and taxation.

The provision of further personal data may be necessary to improve the quality and efficiency of the transaction.

Therefore, the refusal to provide the data required by law will prevent the fulfillment of orders. The additional data indicated in the paragraph "Source of data and type of data collected" are provided on a voluntary basis; however, if the interested party decides not to provide the requested data, sum Domenico Moschetta, he may not be able to provide the services, allow the completion of the transaction through the website or process the order.


Automated decision-making processes

The Data Controller does not carry out treatments consisting of automated decision-making processes on the data of natural persons, except for the interested parties who give their consent to the processing of data for sending newsletters and for profiling purposes.


Privacy Policy of

This Application collects some Personal Data of its Users.


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Data Controller

Sum Domenico Moschetta srl

Owner contact email:

Types of data collected

Among the Personal Data collected by this Application, either independently or through third parties, there are: email; first name; last name; Cookie; Usage data; payment data; Data communicated while using the service; unique identifiers of devices for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA identifier, for example).

Complete details on each type of data collected are provided in the dedicated sections of this privacy policy or through specific information texts displayed before the data is collected.

Personal Data may be freely provided by the User or, in the case of Usage Data, collected automatically during the use of this Application.

Unless otherwise specified, all data requested by this application are mandatory. If the User refuses to communicate them, it may be impossible for this Application to provide the Service. In cases where this Application indicates some Data as optional, Users are free to refrain from communicating such Data, without this having any consequence on the availability of the Service or on its operation.

Users who have doubts about which data are mandatory are encouraged to contact the owner.

Any use of Cookies - or of other tracking tools - by this Application or by the owners of third party services used by this Application, unless otherwise specified, has the purpose of providing the Service requested by the User, in addition to further purposes described in this document and in the Cookie Policy, if available.

The User assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties obtained, published or shared through this Application and guarantees to have the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Owner from any liability to third parties.

Method and place of processing of the collected data

Processing methods

The Data Controller adopts the appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data.

The processing is carried out using IT and / or telematic tools, with organizational methods and with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, other subjects involved in the organization of this Application (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) or external subjects (such as suppliers of third party technical services, postal couriers) may have access to the Data. hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) also appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors by the Data Controller. The updated list of Managers can always be requested from the Data Controller.

Legal basis of the processing

The Data Controller processes Personal Data relating to the User if one of the following conditions exists:

  • the User has given consent for one or more specific purposes; Note: in some jurisdictions the Data Controller may be authorized to process Personal Data without the User's consent or another of the legal bases specified below, as long as the User does not object ("opt-out") to such treatment. However, this is not applicable if the processing of Personal Data is governed by European legislation on the protection of Personal Data;

  • the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract with the User and / or for the execution of pre-contractual measures;

  • the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject;

  • the processing is necessary for the execution of a task of public interest or for the exercise of public authority vested in the Data Controller;

  • the processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller or third parties.

However, it is always possible to ask the Data Controller to clarify the concrete legal basis of each treatment and in particular to specify whether the treatment is based on the law, provided for by a contract or necessary to conclude a contract.


The Data is processed at the Data Controller's operating offices and in any other places where the parties involved in the processing are located. For more information, please contact the Data Controller.

The User's Personal Data may be transferred to a country other than that in which the User is located. To obtain further information on the place of processing, the User can refer to the section relating to the details on the processing of Personal Data.

The User has the right to obtain information regarding the legal basis for the transfer of Data outside the European Union or to an international organization governed by public international law or consisting of two or more countries, such as the UN, as well as regarding the security measures adopted by the Data Controller to protect the Data.


The User can check if one of the transfers described above takes place by examining the section of this document relating to the details on the processing of Personal Data or request information from the Data Controller by contacting him at the details indicated at the beginning.

Retention period

The Data are processed and stored for the time required by the purposes for which they were collected.


  • Personal Data collected for purposes related to the execution of a contract between the Owner and the User will be retained until the execution of this contract is completed.

  • Personal Data collected for purposes attributable to the legitimate interest of the Data Controller will be retained until this interest is satisfied. The User can obtain further information regarding the legitimate interest pursued by the Data Controller in the relevant sections of this document or by contacting the Data Controller.

When the processing is based on the User's consent, the Data Controller may keep the Personal Data longer until such consent is revoked. Furthermore, the Data Controller may be obliged to keep Personal Data for a longer period in compliance with a legal obligation or by order of an authority.


At the end of the retention period, the Personal Data will be deleted. Therefore, at the end of this term the right of access, cancellation, rectification and the right to data portability can no longer be exercised.

Purpose of the processing of collected data

The User's Data are collected to allow the Owner to provide the Service, fulfill legal obligations, respond to requests or executive actions, protect their rights and interests (or those of Users or third parties), identify any malicious activities. or fraudulent, as well as for the following purposes: Access to accounts on third party services, Contacting the User, Managing contacts and sending messages, Managing payments, Managing tags, Managing support and contact requests, Interaction with live platforms chat, Interaction with support and feedback platforms, SPAM protection, Advertising, Registration and authentication, Remarketing and behavioral targeting, Platform and hosting services, Statistics, Display of content from external platforms, Optimization and distribution of traffic and Monitoring of 'infrastructure.

To obtain detailed information on the purposes of the processing and on the Personal Data processed for each purpose, the User can refer to the "Details on the processing of Personal Data" section.

Details on the processing of Personal Data

Personal Data is collected for the following purposes and using the following services:


  • Access to accounts on third party services
    This type of services allow this Application to collect data from your accounts on third party services and perform actions with them.
    These services are not activated automatically, but require the express authorization of the User.
    Stripe account access (Stripe Inc)
    This service allows this Application to connect with the User's account on Stripe, provided by Stripe, Inc.
    Personal Data processed: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.
    Place of processing: United States -Privacy Policy.

  • Contact the user
    Mailing list or newsletter (this Application)
    By registering with the mailing list or newsletter, the User's email address is automatically added to a list of contacts to which email messages containing information, including commercial and promotional information, relating to this Application may be transmitted. The User's email address may also be added to this list as a result of registering with this Application or after making a purchase.
    Personal Data processed: surname; e-mail; first name.
    Contact form (this Application)
    The User, by filling in the contact form with his own data, consents to their use to respond to requests for information, quotes, or any other nature indicated by the form header.
    Personal Data processed: surname; e-mail; first name.

  • Manage contacts and send messages
    This type of service allows you to manage a database of email contacts, telephone contacts or contacts of any other type, used to communicate with the User.
    These services may also allow the collection of data relating to the date and time of display of the messages by the User, as well as to the User's interaction with them, such as information on clicks on the links inserted in the messages.
    SendinBlue Email (SendinBlue SAS)
    SendinBlue is an address management and email message service provided by SendinBlue SAS.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data; e-mail.
    Place of processing: France -Privacy Policy.

Mailchimp (The Rocket Science Group, LLC.)

Mailchimp is an address management and email message sending service provided by Intuit Inc.

Personal Data processed: email.

Place of processing: USA -Privacy Policy.

Category of personal information collected under the CCPA: identifiers.

This type of processing constitutes a "sale of data" ("sale") within the meaning of the CCPA. In addition to the information contained in this clause, the User can consult the section describing the rights of Californian consumers, for information on how to opt out of the sale.

  • Heat mapping and session recording
    Heat Mapping services are used to identify which areas of a page are subject to the passage of the cursor or mouse click in order to detect which of them attract the most interest. These services allow you to monitor and analyze traffic data and are used to keep track of User behavior. Some of these services may log sessions and make them available for later viewing.
    Hotjar Heat Maps & Recordings (Hotjar Ltd.)
    Hotjar is a heat mapping and session recording service provided by Hotjar Ltd. Hotjar complies with generic “Do Not Track” headers. This means that the browser can tell the script not to collect any User data. This is a setting that is available in all major browsers. MajorInformation on the opt-outfrom Hotjar are available here.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data; various types of data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.
    Place of processing: Malta -Privacy Policy-Opt Out.
    Category of personal information collected under the CCPA: Internet information.
    This type of processing constitutes a "sale of data" ("sale") within the meaning of the CCPA. In addition to the information contained in this clause, the User can consult the section describing the rights of Californian consumers, for information on how to opt out of the sale.

  • Interaction with online survey platforms
    This type of service allows interaction with the platforms for online surveys, managed by third parties, directly from the pages of In the event that one of these services is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, it collects Usage Data relating to the pages in which it is installed.
    Hotjar Poll & Survey widgets (Hotjar Ltd.)
    Hotjar Poll & Survey widgets are services that allow interaction with the Hotjar platform provided by Hotjar Ltd. Hotjar complies with the generic “Do Not Track” headers. This means that the browser can tell the script not to collect any User data. This is a setting that is available in all major browsers. MajorInformation on the opt-outfrom Hotjar are available here.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data; various types of data.
    Place of processing: Malta -Privacy Policy-Opt Out.
    Category of personal information collected under the CCPA: Internet information.
    This type of processing constitutes a "sale of data" ("sale") within the meaning of the CCPA. In addition to the information contained in this clause, the User can consult the section describing the rights of Californian consumers, for information on how to opt out of the sale.

  • Interaction with data collection platforms and other third parties
    This type of service allows Users to interact with data collection platforms or other services directly from the pages of in order to save and reuse data. In the event that one of these services is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, it collects Usage Data relating to the pages in which it is installed.
    Hotjar Recruit User Testers (Hotjar Ltd.)
    The Hotjar Recruit User Testers widget is a service that allows you to interact with the Hotjar data collection platform operated by Hotjar Ltd. Hotjar complies with the generic “Do Not Track” headers. This means that the browser can tell the script not to collect any User data. This is a setting that is available in all major browsers. MajorInformation on the opt-outfrom Hotjar are available here.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data; various types of data.
    Place of processing: Malta -Privacy Policy-Opt Out.
    Category of personal information collected under the CCPA: Internet information.
    This type of processing constitutes a "sale of data" ("sale") within the meaning of the CCPA. In addition to the information contained in this clause, the User can consult the section describing the rights of Californian consumers, for information on how to opt out of the sale.

  • Interaction with social networks and external platforms
    This type of service allows interaction with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of The interactions and information acquired by are in any case subject to the User's privacy settings relating to each social network. This type of service may still collect traffic data for the pages where the service is installed, even when Users do not use it. It is recommended to log out from the respective services in order to make sure that the processed data on is not being connected back to the User's profile.
    Like button and Facebook social widgets (Facebook, Inc.)
    The "Like" button and Facebook social widgets are interaction services with the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook, Inc.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: USA -Privacy Policy.
    Category of personal information collected under the CCPA: Internet information.
    This type of processing constitutes a "sale of data" ("sale") within the meaning of the CCPA. In addition to the information contained in this clause, the User can consult the section describing the rights of Californian consumers, for information on how to opt out of the sale.
    Tweet button and Twitter social widgets (Twitter)
    The Tweet button and Twitter social widgets are interaction services with the Twitter social network, provided by Twitter Inc.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: USA -Privacy Policy.
    Category of personal information collected under the CCPA: Internet information.
    This type of processing constitutes a "sale of data" ("sale") within the meaning of the CCPA. In addition to the information contained in this clause, the User can consult the section describing the rights of Californian consumers, for information on how to opt out of the sale.
    "Pin it" button and Pinterest social widgets (Pinterest)
    The "Pin it" button and Pinterest social widgets are interaction services with the Pinterest platform, provided by Pinterest Inc.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: USA -Privacy Policy.
    Category of personal information collected under the CCPA: Internet information.
    This type of processing constitutes a "sale of data" ("sale") within the meaning of the CCPA. In addition to the information contained in this clause, the User can consult the section describing the rights of Californian consumers, for information on how to opt out of the sale.


  • Payment management
    Unless otherwise specified, this Application processes all payments by credit card or other means through external payment service providers. In general, and unless otherwise stated, Users are requested to provide payment details and personal information directly to such payment service providers.
    This Application is not involved in the collection and processing of such information: instead it will only receive a notification from the payment service provider in question that the payment has been made.
    PayPal (Paypal)
    PayPal is a payment service provided by PayPal Inc., which allows the User to make online payments.
    Personal Data processed: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.
    Place of processing: See the Paypal privacy policy -Privacy Policy.
    Stripe (Stripe Inc)
    Stripe is a payment service provided by Stripe Inc.
    Personal Data processed: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.
    Place of processing: United States -Privacy Policy.

    Wix Payments (this application)
    Wix PAyments is a payment service provided by Ltd., which allows the User to make online payments using their Google credentials.
    Personal Data processed: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.

  • Tag management
    This type of service is functional to the centralized management of the tags or scripts used on this Application.
    The use of these services involves the flow of User Data through them and, where appropriate, their retention.
    Google Tag Manager (Google Ireland Limited)
    Google Tag Manager is a tag management service provided by Google Ireland Limited.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: Ireland -Privacy Policy.
    Segment ( Inc.)
    Segment is a tag management service provided by, Inc.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: United States -Privacy Policy.

  • Interaction with live chat platforms
    This type of service allows you to interact with live chat platforms, managed by third parties, directly from the pages of this Application. This allows the User to contact the support service of this Application or this Application to contact the User while he is browsing its pages.
    In the event that an interaction service with live chat platforms is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, it collects Usage Data relating to the pages in which it is installed. Additionally, live chat conversations may be recorded.
    Wix Chat ( Ltd.)
    Wix Chat is an interaction service with the live chat platform, provided by Ltd.
    Personal Data processed: surname; e-mail; first name.
    Place of processing: Israel -Privacy Policy.
    Facebook Messenger Customer Chat (Facebook, Inc.)
    The Facebook Messenger Customer Chat is an interaction service with the Facebook Messenger live chat platform, provided by Facebook, Inc.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Data communicated during the use of the service; Usage data.
    Place of processing: United States -Privacy Policy.

  • Infrastructure monitoring
    This type of service allows this Application to monitor the use and behavior of its components, to allow for the improvement of performance and functionality, maintenance or troubleshooting.
    The Personal Data processed depend on the characteristics and methods of implementation of these services, which by their nature filter the activity of this Application.
    Bugsnag (Bugsnag Inc.)
    Bugsnag is a monitoring service provided by Bugsnag Inc.
    Personal Data processed: surname; e-mail; first name.
    Place of processing: United States -Privacy Policy.

  • Traffic optimization and distribution
    This type of service allows this Application to distribute its contents through servers located throughout the territory and to optimize its performance.
    The Personal Data processed depend on the characteristics and methods of implementation of these services, which by their nature filter the communications between this Application and the User's browser.
    Given the distributed nature of this system, it is difficult to determine the places where content is transferred, which may contain the User's Personal Data.
    Cloudflare (Cloudflare Inc.)
    Cloudflare is a traffic optimization and distribution service provided by Cloudflare Inc.
    The methods of integration of Cloudflare provide that this filters all the traffic of this Application, that is the communications between this Application and the User's browser, also allowing the collection of statistical data on it.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; various types of data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.
    Place of processing: United States -Privacy Policy.

  • SPAM protection
    This type of service analyzes the traffic of this Application, potentially containing Users' Personal Data, in order to filter it from parts of traffic, messages and contents recognized as SPAM.
    Google reCAPTCHA (Google Ireland Limited)
    Google reCAPTCHA is a SPAM protection service provided by Google Ireland Limited.
    Use of the reCAPTCHA system is subject to theprivacy policyand aiterms of useby Google.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: Ireland -Privacy Policy.

  • Advertising
    This type of service allows the User Data to be used for commercial communication purposes. These communications are shown on this Application in the form of banners and other forms of advertising, also in relation to the interests of the User.
    This does not mean that all Personal Data is used for this purpose. Data and conditions of use are indicated below.
    Some of the services listed below may use Tracking Tools to identify the User or use the behavioral retargeting technique, i.e. display personalized advertisements based on the User's interests and behavior, also detected outside this Application. For more information on this, we suggest you check the privacy policies of the respective services.
    Generally, services of this type offer the possibility of deactivating this tracking. In addition to any opt-out function provided by any of the services listed in this document, the User can read more about how to disable interest-based advertising in the appropriate section "How to disable interest-based advertising" in this document.
    Facebook Audience Network (Facebook, Inc.)
    Facebook Audience Network is an advertising service provided by Facebook, Inc. For an understanding of Facebook's use of data, please seethe Facebook data legislation. To allow the operation of Facebook Audience Network, this Application may use some identifiers for mobile devices (including Android Advertising ID or Advertising Identifier for OS) or technologies similar to cookies. Among the ways in which Audience Network offers advertising messages to the User, there is also the use of the user's advertising preferences. The User can control the sharing of their advertising preferences within theFacebook Ad settings. The User can opt-out of some Audience Network targeting functions through the settings of their device. For example, you can change the advertising settings available for mobile devices, or follow the instructions applicable to Audience Network that may be present in this privacy policy.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data; unique identifiers of devices for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA identifier, for example).
    Place of processing: United States -Privacy Policy-Opt Out.
    Google Ad Manager (Google Ireland Limited)
    Google Ad Manager is an advertising service provided by Google Ireland Limited with which the Owner can conduct advertising campaigns jointly with external advertising networks with which the Owner, unless otherwise specified in this document, has no direct relationship.
    Users who do not wish to be tracked by the different advertising networks can useYouronlinechoices. For an understanding of Google's use of data, please seeGoogle Partner Policy.
    This service uses the "DoubleClick" Cookie, which tracks the use of this Application and the User's behavior in relation to advertisements, products and services offered. The User can decide at any time to disable all DoubleClick cookies by going to:Announcements Settings.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: Ireland -Privacy Policy.
    Direct Email Marketing (DEM) (this Application)
    This Application uses User Data to send commercial proposals relating to services and products provided by third parties or not related to the product or service provided by this Application.
    Personal Data processed: surname; e-mail; first name.
    Google AdSense (Google Ireland Limited)
    Google AdSense is an advertising service provided by Google Ireland Limited. This service uses the "DoubleClick" Cookie, which tracks the use of this Application and the User's behavior in relation to advertisements, products and services offered.
    The User can decide at any time to disable all DoubleClick cookies by going to:Announcements Settings. For an understanding of Google's use of data, please seeGoogle Partner Policy.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: Ireland -Privacy Policy-Opt Out.

  • Registration and authentication
    By registering or authenticating, the User allows the Application to identify him and give him access to dedicated services.
    Depending on what is indicated below, the registration and authentication services could be provided with the help of third parties. If this happens, this application will be able to access some data stored by the third party service used for registration or identification.
    Facebook Authentication (Facebook, Inc.)
    Facebook Authentication is a registration and authentication service provided by Facebook, Inc. and connected to the Facebook social network.
    Personal Data processed: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.
    Place of processing: United States -Privacy Policy.
    Wix login (this application)
    Login via Wix is a registration and authentication service provided by Ltd.
    Personal Data processed: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.

  • Remarketing and behavioral targeting
    This type of service allows this Application and its partners to communicate, optimize and serve advertisements based on the past use of this Application by the User.
    This activity is facilitated by the tracking of Usage Data and the use of Tracking Tools to collect information which is then transferred to the partners who manage the remarketing and behavioral targeting activities.
    Some services offer a remarketing option based on email address lists.
    In addition to the opt-out features offered by the services listed below, the User can opt-out by visiting theopt-out page of the Network Advertising Initiative.
    Users can also choose not to participate in certain advertising features through the corresponding device configuration options, such as the mobile device advertising configuration options or the generic advertising configuration.
    Facebook Remarketing (Facebook, Inc.)
    Facebook Remarketing is a remarketing and behavioral targeting service provided by Facebook, Inc. that connects the activity of this Application with the Facebook advertising network.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: United States -Privacy Policy-Opt Out.
    Google Ad Manager Audience Extension (Google Ireland Limited)
    Google Ad Manager Audience Extension is a remarketing and behavioral targeting service provided by Google Ireland Limited that tracks visitors to this Application and allows selected advertising partners to show them personalized ads on the web.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: Ireland -Privacy Policy-Opt Out.
    Facebook Custom Audience (Facebook, Inc.)
    Facebook Custom Audience is a remarketing and behavioral targeting service provided by Facebook, Inc. that connects the activity of this Application with the Facebook advertising network. Users can choose not to use Facebook cookies for ad personalization by visiting thisopt-out page.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; e-mail.
    Place of processing: United States -Privacy Policy-Opt Out.
    Remarketing with Google Analytics (Google Ireland Limited)
    Remarketing with Google Analytics is a remarketing and behavioral targeting service provided by Google Ireland Limited that connects the tracking activity carried out by Google Analytics and its Cookies with the Google Ads advertising network and the Doubleclick Cookie.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: Ireland -Privacy Policy-Opt OutOpt Out.
    Google Ads Remarketing (Google Ireland Limited)
    Google Ads Remarketing is a remarketing and behavioral targeting service provided by Google Ireland Limited that connects the activity of this Application with the Google Ads advertising network and the DoubleClick Cookie. Users can choose not to use Google cookies to personalize ads by visiting theAds settingsby Google.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: Ireland -Privacy Policy-Opt Out.

  • Platform and hosting services
    These services are intended to host and operate key components of this Application, making it possible to deliver this Application from a single platform. These platforms provide the Owner with a wide range of tools such as, for example, analytical tools, for managing user registration, for managing comments and the database, for e-commerce, for processing payments etc. The use of these tools involves the collection and processing of Personal Data.
    Some of these services work through servers geographically located in different places, making it difficult to determine the exact place where Personal Data is stored.
    Wix ( Ltd - this application)
    Wix is a platform provided by Ltd. which allows the Owner to develop, operate and host a website dedicated to electronic commerce.
    Personal Data processed: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.

  • Statistics
    The services contained in this section allow the Data Controller to monitor and analyze traffic data and are used to keep track of User behavior.
    Google Analytics (Google Ireland Limited)
    Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited ("Google"). Google uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Application, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google.
    Google may use the Personal Data to contextualize and personalize the advertisements of its own advertising network.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: Ireland -Privacy Policy-Opt Out.
    Facebook Ads conversion tracking (Facebook pixel) (Facebook, Inc.)
    Facebook Ads conversion tracking (Facebook pixel) is a statistics service provided by Facebook, Inc. that connects data from the Facebook ad network with actions performed within this Application. The Facebook pixel tracks conversions that can be attributed to Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network ads.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: United States -Privacy Policy.
    Google Ads conversion tracking (Google Ireland Limited)
    Google Ads conversion tracking is a statistics service provided by Google Ireland Limited that links data from the Google Ads ad network with actions performed within this Application.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: Ireland -Privacy Policy.
    Google Analytics with anonymized IP (Google Ireland Limited)
    Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited ("Google"). Google uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Application, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google.
    Google may use the Personal Data to contextualize and personalize the advertisements of its own advertising network.
    This Google Analytics integration makes your IP address anonymous. Anonymization works by shortening the IP address of the Users within the borders of the member states of the European Union or in other countries adhering to the agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases, the IP address will be sent to Google's servers and shortened within the United States.
    Personal Data processed: Cookies; Usage data.
    Place of processing: Ireland -Privacy Policy-Opt Out.

  • Viewing content from external platforms
    This type of service allows you to view content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of this Application and interact with them.
    This type of service may still collect data on web traffic relating to the pages where the service is installed, even when users do not use it.
    Google Fonts (Google Ireland Limited)
    Google Fonts is a font style visualization service managed by Google Ireland Limited that allows this Application to integrate such contents within its pages.
    Personal Data processed: Usage data; various types of data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.
    Place of processing: Ireland -Privacy Policy.

Information on how to opt out of interest-based advertising

In addition to any opt-out function provided by any of the services listed in this document, Users can read more on how to disable interest-based advertisements in the appropriate section of the Cookie Policy.

Rights of the User

Users can exercise certain rights with reference to the Data processed by the Data Controller.

In particular, the User has the right to:

  • withdraw consent at any time. The User can revoke the consent to the processing of their Personal Data previously expressed.

  • oppose the processing of their data. The user can oppose the processing of their data when it occurs on a legal basis other than consent. Further details on the right to object are indicated in the section below.

  • access their data. The user has the right to obtain information on the data processed by the owner, on certain aspects of the processing and to receive a copy of the data processed.

  • verify and request rectification. The User can verify the correctness of his / her Data and request its updating or correction.

  • obtain the limitation of the treatment. When certain conditions are met, the User may request the limitation of the processing of their Data. In this case the Data Controller will not process the Data for any other purpose than their conservation.

  • obtain the cancellation or removal of their Personal Data. When certain conditions are met, the User can request the cancellation of their Data by the Owner.

  • receive their data or have them transferred to another owner. The User has the right to receive his / her Data in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device and, where technically feasible, to obtain its unhindered transfer to another owner. This provision is applicable when the Data is processed with automated tools and the processing is based on the User's consent, on a contract to which the User is a party or on contractual measures connected to it.

  • propose a complaint. The User can lodge a complaint with the competent personal data protection supervisory authority or take legal action.

Details on the right to object

When Personal Data are processed in the public interest, in the exercise of public authority vested in the Data Controller or to pursue a legitimate interest of the Data Controller, Users have the right to oppose the processing for reasons connected to their particular situation.

Users are reminded that, if their Data are processed for direct marketing purposes, they can oppose the processing without providing any reasons. To find out if the Data Controller processes data for direct marketing purposes, Users can refer to the respective sections of this document.

How to exercise your rights

To exercise the User's rights, Users can direct a request to the contact details of the Owner indicated in this document. Requests are filed free of charge and processed by the Data Controller as soon as possible, in any case within one month.

Cookie Policy

This Application uses Tracking Tools. To find out more, the User can consult theCookie Policy.

Further information on the treatment

Defense in court

The User's Personal Data may be used by the Owner in court or in the preparatory stages for its eventual establishment for the defense against abuse in the use of this Application or related Services by the User.

The User declares to be aware that the Owner may be obliged to disclose the Data by order of the public authorities.

Specific information

At the request of the User, in addition to the information contained in this privacy policy, this Application may provide the User with additional and contextual information regarding specific Services, or the collection and processing of Personal Data.

System log and maintenance

For needs related to operation and maintenance, this Application and any third party services used by it may collect system logs, i.e. files that record the interactions and which may also contain Personal Data, such as the User IP address.

Information not contained in this policy

Further information in relation to the processing of Personal Data may be requested at any time from the Data Controller using the contact details.

Response to "Do Not Track" requests

This Application does not support "Do Not Track" requests.

To find out if any third-party services used support them, the User is invited to consult the respective privacy policies.

Changes to this privacy policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by notifying Users on this page and, if possible, on this Application as well as, if technically and legally feasible, by sending a notification to Users through one of the extremes of contact he has. Please therefore consult this page frequently, referring to the date of the last modification indicated at the bottom.


If the changes concern treatments whose legal basis is consent, the Data Controller will collect the User's consent again, if necessary.

Definitions and legal references

Personal Data (or Data)

Any information that, directly or indirectly, also in connection with any other information, including a personal identification number, makes a natural person identified or identifiable constitutes personal data.

Usage Data

This is information collected automatically through this Application (including from third-party applications integrated into this Application), including: IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the User who connects with this Application, addresses in URI notation ( Uniform Resource Identifier), the time of the request, the method used to forward the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.) country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and operating system used by the visitor, the various temporal connotations of the visit (for example the time spent on each page) and the details of the itinerary followed within the Application, with particular reference the sequence of the pages consulted, the parameters relating to the operating system and the IT environment of the User.


The individual using this Application who, unless otherwise specified, coincides with the Data Subject.


The natural person to whom the Personal Data refers.

Data Processor (or Manager)

The natural person, legal person, public administration and any other body that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller, as set out in this privacy policy.

Data Controller (or Owner)

The natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data and the tools adopted, including the security measures relating to the operation and use of this Application. The Data Controller, unless otherwise specified, is the owner of this Application.

This Application

The hardware or software tool through which the Personal Data of Users are collected and processed.


The service provided by this application as defined in the relative terms (if available) on this site / application.

European Union (or EU)

Unless otherwise specified, any reference to the European Union contained in this document is intended to be extended to all current member states of the European Union and the European Economic Area.


Cookies are Tracking Tools which consist of small pieces of data stored in the User's browser.

Tracking Tool

By Tracking Tool we mean any technology - eg. Cookies, unique identifiers, web beacons, integrated scripts, e-tags and fingerprinting - which allow users to be tracked, for example by collecting or saving information on the User's device.


Legal references

This privacy statement is drawn up on the basis of multiple legislative systems, including articles. 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

Unless otherwise specified, this privacy statement only concerns this Application.

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